A web accelerator is an application that speeds up a website, typically by caching its content. There are various kinds of accelerators, but in the common case this sort of applications cache static content or database responses and provide them in place of the hosting server, therefore boosting the performance of a website noticeably. The latter is possible because accelerator applications work faster than a server and not only will a site work better, but the server load shall also decrease, which will permit you to run heavy Internet sites with less resources. We offer three web accelerators with our hosting solutions, which will permit you to increase the speed of any kind of Internet site. In comparison, most web hosting service providers do not provide any web accelerators or provide only one, which limits your choice of web apps in the event that you want to employ such software.

Web Accelerators in Website Hosting

Our website hosting plans feature three web accelerators which you can employ depending on the Internet sites that you would like to run. Memcached is employed to cache database or API calls and responses, which can drastically enhance the functionality of dynamic Internet sites. Varnish is a popular HTTP accelerator that caches web pages and delivers them to the website visitors faster than the web server after the first time they open them. Node.js is an event-driven platform employed for scalable real-time applications for example booking websites. Depending upon the Internet hosting plan you choose, these 3 applications could already be included or might be optional upgrades. Either way, you will be able to select how many instances of every one of them shall be at your disposal and how much memory they ought to employ. These accelerators are supplied only by a handful of Internet hosting companies, including ours, and they could increase the speed of your web applications drastically.